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Picoids Technology and Consulting Services

+91 8955899659



We are a Remote First Company. Our office is in India but we are just a Whatsapp Ping Away! We provide technology and consulting services for enterprises of all sizes, from large corporations to small businesses through out the world.


1603, Mahila bhawan street, Mukim Bothra Mohalla, Rangri Chowk, Bikaner, 334001, Rajasthan, India


Mon-Fri: Round the clock

Happy Consultants.

Read what our satisfied consultants have to say about our business and customers.

Picoids provided exceptional technology solutions that greatly improved our business efficiency.

Alice Johnson
selective focus photography of graph
selective focus photography of graph

New York

The consulting services offered by Picoids were top-notch and helped us streamline our financial management processes.

worm's eye-view photography of ceiling
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling
John Smith

Los Angeles
